

My name is Yael Lachman and these days, I make my home in Sisters, Oregon where I am a writer, printmaker, paddler of rivers and lakes, and ordained minister in the United Church of Christ. Here, and everywhere, I marvel at the deep ties that bind us to one another, and to the particular places on earth that claim our souls. If you’d like receive updates about my online and in-person offerings, please subscribe to my email newsletter here.

5 thoughts on “About

  1. How do I start this? 23 years in western PA before we moved to Maine, and I had 1, maybe 2 good friends that I missed. Moved to Maine and found so many dear friends, you among them. Even though we did not have lots of regular contact, and I do not believe I was able to give much of anything to you, you were a gift to me. And because of that, it is very important for me to keep in contact with you. So I am delighted for your blog. Did you do the canoe block print? Before leaving Maine, I bought a painting from Beth Cossey, as well as a piece of art from the young man who runs Bliss bakery in Fryeburg. Wanted to collect from artists I know. Starting a new path in so many ways. Sending you hugs and prayers. Your blog brings me joy.


    1. Beth, you have always been a gift to me and to the community we shared, and I know we all miss you! I hope you are settling into your new home…I know how hard it was to leave. I’d be glad to send you a canoe 🙂 I’ll send you an email…


  2. dear yael,
    regarding “I can’t explain the mysterious work of the Spirit—the way it binds us to one another in love, even when we’re apart. I don’t know exactly how it works.”
    that makes at least two of us.
    however, whether through your sermons, your writings, or “just” showing up (or by whatever means it may occur), please know that you are specially present for all of us and give us the opportunity to be bound together in love, and that we are grateful.
    be comforted and healed,


  3. Dear Yael,
    Thank you again for your great early 2022 gift of an audio recording. With your large Riverberry canoe prints sold our, I just bought a smaller one for my friend Janet’s birthday. She loves your prints and keeps one I gave her a year ago next to her bed (doesn’t love make shopping easy?).
    I’ve not been to our former church for a long time. I’m now realizing that I’m mostly mourning separation from you, not the church (I have two other more congenial groups on campus). I would like to try your retreats but what I would really like would be for you to lead weekly, every other week, or monthly 55 minute poetry meditations at a time of your for which I and other participants would make contributions (I just made one in your name to Fall Creek Arts?). What do you think? Although I’m not great on zoom technology, I would love to assist you in other ways you might think over (weren’t our two art shows wonderful?). Perhaps a retreat might grow out of a series of poetry meditations? With love, anticipation, appreciation, and best wishes for your health and happiness, Pam

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So great to hear from you, Pam, and to hear that your friend Janet is enjoying last year’s print — the new one will be on its way to her this week! At the moment, I am thinking about online offerings with poetry and meditation, similar to our weekly Advent retreat this past December. It may be March before I launch anything new, but I will keep you posted! Meanwhile, I am thinking of you this afternoon, and sending much love…


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